Thursday, August 6, 2009

So much to say ...

So much has been going on lately! Terah and Alyssa started school on July 27th. Terah is in 5th grade and Alyssa in 2nd. I can't believe how big my girls are! How did they get so big, I certainly am not old enough to have children in 5th and 2nd grade!!!
So, after the girls first week of school and several days on total boredom, I got a job! I was talking to my friend/mortgage loan officer Julie and jokingly asked her if they still needed help in her office. Did I mention I was really bored? Julie laughed and said actually I am headed to the office to fire a girl right now! I met with Julie and her sister Debbie the next morning and started on Monday! Really, it can't be that easy. Cardinal Mortgage is a great place to work and I am so excited to be getting a paycheck again. I work Monday - Thursday 9-3 and Friday 9-1, what a great schedule! The people are great and I am so excited to be using my brain again!
Terah is doing great at cheerleading and Alyssa is back to Tae Kwon Do so we are busy having the time of our lives!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Terah participated in the Western Stampede parade this 4th of July! She is on the Fusion All-Star Cheerleading Team and walked with her teammates. Our cousin Brianna is also on the team and participated in the parade as well. After the parade we all went to Aunt Bitina's house for a bbq and fireworks!